sábado, 29 de mayo de 2010


Erosive glaciers are of great importance that, in the past, shaped much of the landscape we now know in middle and high latitudes around the globe.

The huge masses of ice moving slowly due to the gravity term lead to wear a relentless task of the land on that slide, which can be easily observed in regions where glaciers have disappeared. The ice is able to cut or tear huge rocks that other erosive agents could not.


A different form of erosion of glaciers, but also caused by the accumulation of water in solid form, are avalanches. An avalanche is the detachment of large masses of ice and snow that falls from the peaks to the valleys.
In its wake, an avalanche dragged the vegetation, leaving a trail of bare ground where it can work more easily erosion.

Landslides occur when heavy snow accumulates in a zone of high slope, especially when another layer is deposited on a different consistency that can serve as a gliding surface, remaining in an unstable equilibrium.

The trigger of the landslide may have various origins. Can occur spontaneously when the very weight of a layer exceeds the frictional force that kept at rest. Landslides also occur at the time of thawing, decreasing the holding power. Even with the passage of skiers or vibrations of any kind.
A small mass of snow starts falling. By supporting your weight on other makes too loose. Thus, as it descends new masses are added until it can come to acquire a large volume. It is therefore one of the few forms of erosion in a violent act in a short time.

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